четверг, 8 ноября 2012 г.

Virtual Learning Environment(VLE) and Personal Learning Environment(PLE)

In my previous post I was sharing my experience connected with Open Educational Resources (OER), and today`s post is connected with LMS or VLE vs.PLE. So the VLE  is Virtual Learning Environment and PLE is Personal Learning Environment. These two types of environments again were new for me and I think for my peers, which we explored during our New Technologies lass. 

Now I will try to define these two environments:

  •   VLE/LMS   is more centralized , here institutional corporation or the government provides repository of content and services. Individually learners can access to LMS/VLE   and obtain the content, also the users or individuals  can have conferences with themselves, as well as interactive conferences.
  •    PLE  is individual  and decentralized . Here each user can  access all over the web  iBook, you tube,  face book, Google docs etc. In PLE you manage your own data .You choose your security as well as you manage your own connection.
 Both of environments have negative and positive sides:

In LMSs two people log on to the management system after  through that management system they access. If the person does not have an account he cannot access to the LMSs collaborative environment. In PLE network  each individual directly connect with each other comparing with LMS/VLE . Here I should also mention that in PLE each user can access to unlimited courses but the quality is not always good.  
In conclusion I would say that it is always difficult to implement something new in Armenia. There are many institutions who like traditional way of teaching and do not bother themselves integrating new technologies during their classes. I hope step by step in the Armenian universities or separate individuals will be more willing to use  them.

Link for the 1 st image: http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&sa=X&tbo=d&biw=1366&bih=643&tbm=isch&tbnid=FubvEZqVbKAOwM:&imgrefurl=http://data.bolton.ac.uk/staff/mwj1/PLE/pmwiki.php%3Fn%3DMain.PLEReferenceModels&docid=76FZSDFHmQQfqM&imgurl=http://data.bolton.ac.uk/staff/mwj1/PLE/uploads/Main/derek.png&w=909&h=612&ei=APKbUJOQFIrMmgWsz4CIBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=4&vpy=121&

Link for the 2 nd image: http://www.google.com/imgres?start=397&hl=en&sa=X&tbo=d&biw=1366&bih=643&tbm=isch&tbnid=EoUBZsaHz0QbIM:&imgrefurl=http://mohamedaminechatti.blogspot.com/2007/01/towards-personal-learning-environment.html&docid=e6lUJy5-EuMSEM&imgurl=https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhfiBZ3EgBJAAxu258w3KFKkHFYmEJgJBUlKqUdb7osvs6SRgXcgXd2l1JtMB-Av6yiPBchlo8dhrGGY6SXrmLzLcNAAf86w2NvzEmmNqoRVoLx_lORKooNSAAOIGgyhkz4MBrg2XiY0Av5/s400/PLEF.jpg&w=400&h=300&ei=T_ObUKLSDs_omAXL0oC4CA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=652&sig=109605187291664981752&page=15&tbnh=148&tbnw=217&n

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