четверг, 18 октября 2012 г.

Virtual World -Second Life

Today`s my post is closely connected with virtual world Second life environment.  As the previous posts  this post is also connected with technology. Once again I was very happy to get familiar with something new for me. Of course, I have heard about virtual world 3D environment  but have never tried any. So this course gave me an opportunity to try that. It is interesting that I do not like computer games, especially commercial games as I mentioned in my previous post. But I liked a lot Second Life .I think I know the reason. This special environment with avatars helps each person to create own games for different purposes. I liked the fact of flying , running and walking. In fact here you can do and try things which you cannot do in real life situations. Here you can invite people chat with them or buy things that was really great. But in many cases the players should earn money in order to spend it. 
As an English teacher I would like to use them for educational purposes. But to tell the truth I think that would not be an easy task. If we talk about advantages so here I can say that  3D environment can help to reinforce certain vocabulary .For example, you can create a game connected with cloths and do shopping, students will learn lots of words or it can be connected with sea food  and so on. My students would be so enthusiastic and motivated I am sure. It can be a new way for studying, as it is  fun, interactive  and  once again students can work collaboratively. Now let`s talk about disadvantages. So here we have many drawbacks especially in our country. Unfortunately  you should pay in order to make interesting games. From my own experience I know that teachers in Armenia  do not get much financial support in order to afford and pay for games. But the problem is not connected only with teachers, many kids also will not able to afford that. Another main  obstacle is that many teachers themselves would not be able to play this virtual world games. The lack of technological knowledge may be a challenge. Another problem may cause the internet and computer connection especially at schools. In conclusion I would say that one day all this might be possible in all schools or other educational centers.  I  strongly believe  that one day both teachers and students will be able to use 3D virtual world for educational purposes which will develop four skills. 

Link  for the image : http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&sa=X&biw=1366&bih=643&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=5CaJSbj5hBBQhM:&imgrefurl=http://www.gameogre.com/reviewdirectory/reviews/Second_Life.php&docid=L30wDahMZYnTtM&imgurl=http://www.gameogre.com/reviewdirectory/upload/Second%252520Life.jpg&w=1280&h=977&ei=LEWIUMbMBsWeiAfzrYDwCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1068&vpy=119&dur=219&hovh=196&hovw=257&tx=151&ty=118&sig=109605187291664981752&page=1&tbnh=145&tbnw=180&start=0&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0,i:86

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