понедельник, 24 октября 2011 г.


This post is based on podcast  about Parkinson`s disease. Actually my current post is not connected with my previous posts  because topic itself attracted my attention and I have decided to post it. According to many doctors Parkinson`s disease is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system. It results from the death of dopamine -generating cells in the substantia nigra. The most essential part is that there is no actual treatment for this type of disease. Doctors prescribe lots of medicine to their patients in order to help them somehow. Many doctors say that  people usually do not die from Parkinson`s disease  they simply die with it. Also it is interesting that men suffer from Parkinson`s disease more than women. In the USA nearly one million people have this type of disease.The most challenging part is that doctors do not know how it accurse. They have some hypothesis  and that is all. Many patients say they have supporting groups from different countries in  order to encourage them. In many cases people with this disease have some difficulties in walking. Their actions are slow and limited. Many of them think that life is wonderful and they should continue to live and  just have fun.

Michael J Fox ,Muhammad Ali

I know that there are many celebrities  who have such disease. In my video you can see two of them.


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